CNE scholars receive grant for research on brain reorganization in blindness April 26, 2023Grant FundingBlindness, Vision loss
New paper in “Nature Scientific Reports” explores functional connectivity differences between patients with chronic tinnitus April 25, 2023Publicationtinnitus
European Research Council awards prestigious grant to Gordon Cheng, CNE lead affiliate April 24, 2023News
First CNE Pilot Grants Support Development of New Parkinson’s Drug Delivery Device and New Neuro-Imaging Technique February 20, 2023Award, News
New paper in “Cerebral Cortex” explores the auditory cortical connectivity in humans January 4, 2023PublicationAuditory cortical connectivity
Do blind people see with their ears and with their fingertips? December 12, 2022Student ContributionAuditory plasticity, Blindness, Neural plasticity, Vision loss
CNE Co-Director Max Riesenhuber’s lab presents multiple posters and talks at Neuroscience 2022 November 8, 2022Event
Former GUMC Postdoctoral Fellow Creates Kennedy Center Show About How Rhythm, Sound and Movement Shape the Brain’s Growth November 8, 2022Event
NIH Funding Opportunity Announcement: Music-Based Interventions for Pain or Alzheimer’s Disease October 18, 2022Funding Opportunity
Leveraging Prior Concept Learning Improves Generalization From Few Examples in Computational Models of Human Object Recognition October 16, 2022Publication
Device That Helps the Blind “See” Faces Reveals New Insights As To The Brain’s Organization January 2, 2022NewsBlindness, Vision loss