Former GUMC Postdoctoral Fellow Creates Kennedy Center Show About How Rhythm, Sound and Movement Shape the Brain’s Growth

Dr. Jessica Phillips-Silver was formerly an associate researcher in the Department of Neuroscience at Georgetown University, where she used neuroimaging to investigate the neural network for feeling rhythm in music. 

The show Finding Rhythm, supported by multiple grants from the D.C. Commission on the Arts and Humanities, is a culmination of her research and arts advocacy, and is a tribute to the power of the rhythms of D.C.’s go-go music to grow children’s brains, build connection, and let each child know that they are a powerful child.

Phillips-Silver served as adjunct professor in the faculty of music, where she developed Georgetown’s first course on Music and the Brain. Prior to that Philips-Silver a was a postdoctoral fellow at the International Laboratory for Brain, Music and Sound in Montreal, after completing her Ph.D. in Auditory and Music Neuroscience at the McMaster Institute for Music and the Mind in Ontario, and a Bachelor of Humanities and Arts degree in Cognitive Science and Vocal Music from Carnegie Mellon University.