
Plamen “Bulgaria” Nikolov
Lab Associate
Research interests: computational modelling, motor control systems, internal models, brain and language, random Kaggle challenges

Flo Martinez Addiego
Graduate Student
“The reasonable man adapts himself to the world. The unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore, all progress depends on the unreasonable man.” – George Bernard Shaw

Lillian Chang
Postdoctoral Fellow
My interests focus on learning and memory, especially how the brain acquires essential skills like language and math, using computational models and neuroimaging to understand neural processes.

Neel Banerjee
MD/PhD Candidate at UC San Diego

Noah Steinberg
MD/PhD Student
Research interests: I really just want to figure out how the brain works.

Chris Cornell
Research Assistant

Bernard Kripkee
Sponsored University Associate
I have just finished editing my wife’s third novel. In 2019 I became the United States Powerlifting Association New York State record holder for contestants age 75-79 in the 163 pound class.

Andrew Clark
Lab manager
Senior in the College of Arts and Sciences studying Biological Physics.

Maria Douka
Undergraduate Intern

Jonathan Yu
High School Intern

Ran Yuan
Master’s Student Intern
Recent Alumni
- Srikanth Damera – 2023. Georgetown MD PhD, currently resident at Children’s National Medical Center
- Marcus Dreux -2022. Associate Consultant at CrossVue
- Vishnu Reddy Pendri -2021. Current undergraduate at the University of Rochester
- Nanak Nihal Singh Khalsa – 2021. MS in Integrative Neuroscience Graduate
- Kimberly Jin – 2021. BS in Biology Graduate, currently MD Candidate at UMass Chan School of Medicine